The 20th Jubilee edition of the fabulous Kraków Photomonth, will take place from 26th May to 26th June 2022. Organisers are also appealing for volunteers for to join the team.
I’ve been a huge fan and supporter of Photomonth since is started, and watched it grow from humble beginnings to become one of the best and most respected Photomonth festivals in Europe.
In spite of of the Covid outbreak bringing some disruption, forcing the organisers to adapt to the new reality of the pandemic, they have battled on and continue to provide a great festival for photography fans.
Once more this year, the organisers are facing a number of challenges, which bring a degree of uncertainty, which they acknowledged in their announcement:-
“Many questions. Exploring new territories, and delivering some returns. That’s our brief introduction to the upcoming 20th edition of the Krakow Photomonth Festival which will start on May 26, 2022. What can you expect?
The first answer that comes to mind is simple: „We don’t know“. This seems to be the most common response to the flood of questions that has been surrounding us in the last couple of months. Yet, the most important question about the basics stays the same – WHY? We will be asking „why“ many times this year.”
What is Kraków Photomonth?
Read more about previous Photomonth editions in our past articles.
Kraków Photomonth Website ( in English)
Volunteer Appeal
Kraków Photomonth are inviting applications to become a volunteer and join the #wolomfk team. I’ve been a volunteer at a past photomonth, it’s fun, rewarding, well organised and highly recommended.
To apply to be a volunteer, or to find out more about volunteering, click on the link below, before the 13th March deadline.
Apply Here to Volunteer (before 13th March)
Kraków Photomonth – Social Media:
Kraków Photomonth on Instagram

A Scot in Kraków. The founder and editor of Kraków Expats Directory, and our sister sites Kraków TV and Kraków Stories Podcast.
David fell in love with Kraków 25 years ago, making it his home in 2011.
In 2020 he was awarded the title of Kraków’s Ambassador of Multiculturalism, by the President of Kraków, and is also a member of the GlobalScot network, representing Scottish culture and business abroad.
We’re always looking for interesting stories, events, characters or groups to feature. Likewise, if you’d like to join us, as a contributor, please get in touch.