The British Embassy, Warsaw together with the Polish Office for Foreigners held a ‘Community Connect – #BritsInPoland’, event in Kraków on 21st March 2019.
UK Embassy staff provided essential information at the meeting about the UK’s exit from the EU, whilst representatives of the Polish Office for Foreigners gave an update on the rights of UK nationals living and working in Poland. The event was concluded with a lively question and answer session.
Message from Deputy Head of Mission.
Jason Rheinberg, Deputy Ambassador, at the British Embassy in Warsaw, gave a short message for those unable to attend the event.
Check out our BREXIT Information & Resources for UK Nationals in Poland for all the latest Brexit news & updates in one place.
Polish Office for Foreigners Presentation
Representatives of the Polish Office for Foreigners, gave a detailed presentation on the requirements set out in the draft law regarding UK Nationals rights in Poland in the event of UK leaving the EU with an agreed deal, and particularly requirements in the event of a No Deal Brexit. Details of their presentation are included below.
Brexit Countdown (subject to change – we hope)
We’ve updated our Brexit Countdown Clock to show the next possible Brexit date – 12th April 2019, we suspect we may be changing it again soon!
Living in Poland – Official UK Government Guidance
Article 50 and negotiations with the EU:
Joint technical note on the comparison of EU-UK positions on citizens’ rights
Department for Exiting the EU on Twitter: @DExEUgov
Sign Up for UK Embassy Warsaw Newsletter
British Embassy Warsaw – Facebook
British Embassy Warsaw – Twitter
British Ambassador Poland – Twitter
British Embassy Warsaw – LinkedIn
General Enquiries:
Consular Enquiries:
Polish office for Foreigners (Urząd do Spraw Cudzoziemców) BREXIT PAGE Locations of Foreigner Information Centres in Małopolska Ministry of the Interior and Administration (MSWIA) Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MSZ)
Polish office for Foreigners on Facebook
Exchanging Foreign (UK) Drivers Licence for Polish licence
Previous Kraków Expats Directory articles on presentations by Ambassador Knott, UK Embassy in Poland:
Brexit Discussion 28/11/17 – Summary of Ambassador’s Presentation
Brexit Discussion 28/11/17 – Interview with Ambassador Jonathan Knott
Please get in touch if you have any other useful resources we could include in this article.