A Multicultural Festival is planned for Saturday 25th February, which will follow the 2 day Open Kraków Conference, on 23rd/24th February 2017.
The finishing touches are being put to the programme for the festival which includes a wonderful mix of interesting events and activities taking place at various locations across Kraków.
Multicultural Festival in Kraków
Saturday 25th February 2017
Anti-discrimination Workshop
10:00 – 12:00
Organiser: Galicia Jewish Museum
Place: Galicia Jewish Museum, ul. Dajwór 18
The basis for the peaceful coexistence of different groups of people is tolerance. But can tolerance be learned? Is prejudice wrong? Where does hate speech begin and freedom of speech end? How can we respond to violence or discrimination?
During the course, participants will learn not only what exclusion, stereotyping and prejudice are; they will trace the process of discrimination at the level of micro-inequalities, they learn the importance and role of a witness in conflict situations and learn what hate speech is and how to counteract it.
Workshop requires registration.
Please contact Katarzyna Kotula by email
katarzyna.kotula@galiciajewishmuseum.org or telephone (12 421 68 42).
Open Day at Accent School of Polish
ul. Kącik 9
11.00 – 12.00
Demonstration Lesson “Survival Polish” (Barbara Sosnowska – Babik) – learning basic phrases in Polish – daily communication for beginners!
12.00 – 13.30
Phonetic Workshops with a speech therapist and teacher of Polish as a foreign language (Joanna Główczyńska). Perfect for all who do not know how to pronounce the name of the street where they live or the names of Polish colleague. For all levels – a tongue training session!
13.30 – 14.00
Animated History of Poland (in English) – Joanna Hajda. Polish history in 8 minutes? It may be interesting – for all who want to quickly and in a nice way learn about the most important events in Polish history. The course is conducted in English.
14.00 -16.00
Culinary workshops “How to cook a typical Polish dinner?” Katarzyna Roś. For all those who want to test their skills in Polish cuisine – we will cook together and EAT 🙂 ! In addition to all: delicious apples straight from the orchard, tea, coffee, interesting conversations about Poland and the Polish language!
Among the participants of the Open Day we will draw free courses of Polish!
We invite ALL FOREIGNERS !!!
Panel discussion in Spółdzielnia Ogniwo
ul. Pauliańska 28
13:00 – 15:00
Organiser: INTERKULTURALNI PL Association
The debate will be attended by the following persons:
prof. Dariusz Niedźwiecki – Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies
Magdalena Zych – Ethnographic Museum
Ewa Piekarska and Małgorzata Olasińska-Chart – Polish Medical Mission
Anna Strama and Alicja Vauleon- authors of articles in the book “Migrants, migration. What you should know in order to have an opinion”
During the debate, we would like to demystify stereotypes associated with migration movements, in order to draw a reliable picture of both the reasons why people migrate, and point out the consequences of such migration in areas such as social life, economics, demography, and culture. We will be talking about the causes of migration flows, ability to resolve humanitarian crises that generate refuge, and presenting the real situation in the countries suffering such crises. We will try to answer questions about how to tame migrants in host societies, and provide them with the possibility of integration.
Multilingual afternoon for families with children and friends
Facebook Event Page
Organiser: Multi Club and the Art of Living Foundation
Place: ul. Podbrzezie 6/8, 31-054 Krakow
Contact and registration: Ola Mykowska; kontakt@klubmulti.pl; Tel 500 000 592
Registration by mail with indication of classes, number of people (children) and the determination of the childrens’ age.
In case of large numbers of applications those submitted first will save rights to attend.
Fee: Classes are free of charge, but you can make free donations to the vase. Welcome. 🙂
14.45-15.30 Art ecological islands, workshops of Caring Parenthood
14.45-15.30 Ebru Island for adults and children over 6 years: Polish, English, Turkish
Ebru means painting on the water is an old technique of painting of natural paper, silk or leather decoration using paints floating on the water surface, which when transferred to paper or other substrate create forms resembling marble pattern, flowers, plants.
The ingredients used for the creation of ebru: silk, paint and plant extracts are natural.
Performer: Nalan Avhan,
14.45-15.30 Artictic Island for children from 1-6: Polish, English
We will paint with your fingers, blow ink blots in fancy shapes, making forms from different types of play dough (DIY recipes included). We will suggest how to create unique masterpieces from natural materials that can be found in almost every kitchen.
14.45 – 15.30 Small workshop presenting Caring Parenthood patterns to parents; Polish English or German
How to build warm, deep relationships in the family while respecting their autonomy and individual needs. We invite all who are curious about what “caring parenting” is, how it can inspire family life in order to maintain a balance between the needs of all the loved ones.
Workshop will be held by Camilla Włodarski, mother of 3 children, family coach, graduated from, among others, postgraduate studies in Austria Bindungsorienierter Familienbegleiter in the field of Caring Parenthood.
15.45-16.45 Multilingual Wawel Dragon, for adults and children of all ages, Polish, English, Italian and others.
Did you know that Wawel Dragon, as every true dragon, was multilingual? Because two heads are better than one, and yet as every dragon has at least two heads, has two tongues in his jaws… We invite you to listen to the stories of Krakow dragon in several languages. Improvised theatrical and musical entertainment will by lead by:
Dobrawa Branicka – Polish philologist, theatrologist, artetherapist
Agata Jarosz – actress, working with the Northcott Theatre in Exeter, England
Wojciech Koczwara- Polish philologist, German translator
Andrea Tosi – musician, a lover of world music
Agnieszka Masternak- psychologist, theatrologist, author of guides to Italy, singer
Loan Ratajczyk- French translator, actor
17.00-18.15 Acro Yoga for families with children of all ages
Acro Yoga is a combination of psychometrics, stretching, elements of yoga, acrobatics and functional exercises. Come to enliven, relax and see how interesting it can be.
Performer/Trainer: Krzysztof Satora
Krakow Time Machine
13: 00-15: 00 (or when two rounds: 13 – 15, 15 – 17)
Organiser: Department of Comparative Studies of Civilizations of Jagiellonian University
Place: Collegium Broscianum, ul. Grodzka 52, room 118
RPG based on the multicultural history of Krakow
Description: Krakow, a real cocktail of ethnicity, for many centuries had been inhabited by representatives of different cultures. We invite you to the game, in which through the time machine, we will move you to the important landmarks in the history of our city and its inhabitants. Participants will join different teams representing ethnic minorities, whose job will be to perform assigned tasks, allowing them to move to the next era in the history of Krakow. The aim of the game is to reach to the present.
Language: Polish (or in case of two rounds: first round – Polish, second round – English, only in the case of relevant number of English-speaking participants)
Number of participants: 10 – 15 persons, aged 16 and above
Druze and Syria. Cultural differences.
15:00 – 16:30
Organiser: Department of Comparative Civilizations Studies at the Jagiellonian University
Place: Department of Comparative Civilizations Studies of the Jagiellonian University, ul. Grodzka 52, p. 119
Lecture by Mona Abo Assaf
Event description: the lecture of Mrs. Mona Abo Assaf, who in her presentation will provide a brief story about Druze – a hushed minority of multicultural Syria. Referring to her own experiences and thoughts, she will point out the similarities and differences of Polish and Syrian culture.
Event is free of charge
Decorating of carnival masks. Workshop for children
15:30 – 17:30
Organiser: Villa Decius
Place: Villa Decius Association, ul. 28 lipca 1943 roku 17a
We invite children and their guardians to participate in workshops of decorating carnival masks. During the session you will not only learn how to decorate a mask in a creative and artistic way, but also learn stories about tradition of their creation in the different parts of the world. Classes will be held in Polish and English.
Registration required, places for the workshop are limited.
You may register by calling 605 999 497 or email: aleksandra@villa.org.pl until February 20th or until all seats are booked.
Why do we fear the Tajiks? Slide show devoted to contemporary Tajikistan and its socio-political situation.
17:00 – 18:30
Organiser: Department of Comparative Studies of Civilizations of Jagiellonian University
Time and place: Department of Comparative Civilizations Studies, Jagiellonian University. Grodzka 52, p. 119
Lecture with slides
Description: The meeting is dedicated to reconsider the socio-political situation in modern Tajikistan. The speaker, who for many years, conducts research in Tajikistan, will describe as Tajiks lives in present and what kind of problems they face. In the context of the Polish discussion on refugees problems she will draw attention to Tajiks struggles, who as a result of the escalation of political repression since 2015 faced imprisonment or had to flee from their homeland. As the post-Soviet Tajikistan is a country in which the majority of the population is Islam believers, Polish border guards deny them access to the territory and asylum claims.
Lecture is held in Polish
African dance workshop
17:00 – 18:00
Organiser: International Training Centre of the Cracow Technical University
Place: Klub pod Jaszczurami, Rynek Główny 8
Performers: Students of Cracow Technical University from Angola, Congo and Brazil
Demonstration show and training of African dance, salsa. Workshops will include QUIZes about Angola, Congo and Brazil
Free of charge event
EtnoKraków / Crossroads
Movie screening (documentaries, live concert documentaries)
17:00 – 19:00
Organiser: Association ROZSTAJE: u Zbiegu Kultur i Tradycji and Klub Strefa / Krakow
Place: Klub Strefa, św. Tomasza 31
Hosts: Jan Malisz / Zuza Malisz / Kacper Malisz
The movie screening will cover reports completed during the 17th and 18th edition of the international EtnoKraków / Crossroads 2015 and EtnoKraków / Crossroads 2016 festivals and the festivals’ concerts recordings performed in The ICE Krakow, in the St. Catherine church and Wolnica Square in Krakow.
Free of charge event
Masked Ball at the Villa Decius
at 20:00
Organiser: Villa Decius
Place: Villa Decius Association, ul. 28 lipca 1943 roku 17a
We would like to invite you for Carnival Ball in the Decius’s Villa. The leitmotif of the ball are masks from all over the world. Our all night-long party is a perfect ending of a carnival time. It is great opportunity to meet and have unusual networking afterwards. While buying a ticket on ekobilet.pl there is 15% discount on password!
As each culture has its own dominant depiction of mask, through shared entertainment we would like to get to know each other better and strengthen intercultural bounds. Masks, evening wear, dim lights and beautiful renaissance palace interior shall create unique atmosphere. The Ball will stay in your memory for long.
Any questions please do call: 517 813 835.
Musical setting: DJ and electric violin
Menu: standard and vegetarian cuisine
Prices staring from PLN 150/person
If you have questions, please contact: tel. 517 813 835 or 691 777 755.
* The Organiser reserves the right to cancel the event five days before the date in the event of an insufficient number of participants.
Details about the City’s Open Kraków (Otwarty Kraków) programme, in English, can be found on our dedicated Open Kraków page.
For those interested to read more about the programme we have provided a document library with links to the few documents available.
The English versions of the documents provided below have all been translated online.
Please do direct any concerns or questions to the city, if, like us, you are disappointed and surprised that a project, with it’s primary objectives to make city services more accessible and to improve communication with foreigners is in Polish only – more than 4 months after it’s implementation!
Conference Programme (English)
Open Kraków Conference Invitation (English)
On 23rd – 25th February 2017, the Council of the City of Kraków, (Rada Miasta Kraków) are holding a three day conference “Open Kraków” (Otwarty Kraków) the aim of which is to highlight and promote activities for cultural diversity and social integration of foreigners living in Kraków.
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION – Registration is now open!
Registration to attend the Open Kraków (Otwarty Kraków) conference and take part in the multicultural festival is now open. To apply please fill in the short application by clicking this button.
Conference Organisers konferencja@otwartykraków.eu
Conference Volunteers wolontariat@otwartykraków.eu
Expat/Foreigners Enquiries openkraków@krakówexpats.pl
Conference Website (Polish) www.otwartykraków.eu (Polish Only)
Open Kraków Updates (English) www.krakówexpats.pl/open-kraków
Facebook @otwartykrakóweu web.facebook.com/otwartykrakóweu
Please use the contact form below or email openkraków@krakówexpats.pl to share any comments, feedback or highlight any specific Expat/Foreigners in Kraków issues, relating to the conference in particular or the Open Kraków (Otwarty Kraków) initiative in general.