The Polish Government have today (23.2.22) announced that almost all restrictions will be removed, with effect from 1st March. Restrictions relating to wearing of masks, isolation and quarantine will remain in place.
It could be argued that the restrictions being removed, particularly in regard to occupancy limits, have been largely ignored in any case, therefore the changes are, for the moment, likely to have little impact. Likewise, in our experience many are, and will continue, to ignore the mask wearing requirement completely.
The Deputy Health Minister Waldemar Kraska stated that: –
“We want to loosen certain restrictions because it seems that the epidemic situation in our country is stable. Every day we note a reduced number of cases “
Health Minister Adam Niedzielski added:-
‘Today we abolish most of the restrictions and leave only those that are necessary – Covid 19 will be treated like the flu’.
The following restrictions will be removed – effective from 1st March.
All occupancy limits will be removed– including in shops, restaurants, places of culture, transport, as well as during meetings and events. Discos, clubs and other places available for dancing will reopen.
“We are also restoring normal work in offices. Remote work was obligatory in official offices, and recommended in companies and enterprises, today we abolish this recommendation, today offices are returning to normal functioning”.
The following restrictions will continue to apply.
Covering the nose and mouth with a mask in confined spaces will still be required. You must continue to wear a mask in places such as the bus, shop or cinema.
Isolation in the event of COVID-19 infection – If you fall ill, you will have to isolate. Isolation applies to a COVID-19 infected person with a positive test result. The isolation period is 7 days if you are not symptomatic for COVID-19. Your GP may decide to extend it if your health condition requires it. You can read more about this on the website.
Arrival quarantine (for persons without a valid UCC). Quarantine also applies when you return from abroad (only if you do not have a valid UCC). Quarantine lasts 7 days. You can read more about this on the website
Quarantine for a cohabitant of a COVID-19 infected person. Quarantine is the isolation of a healthy person because of the risk of infection. This applies if you live with someone who is infected with coronavirus.
If you live with someone who is sick, your quarantine will last as long as your isolating home partner.
For 30 days after the end of the disease, people who have ended isolation or hospitalisation will not be quarantined because they live with the person in isolation.It is important to remember that:
- if you are vaccinated and tested negative, you will be released from quarantine
- if you are not vaccinated, you may be released from quarantine if you test negative after isolating the person you live with. You can read more about this on the website
“Unfortunately, the chapter of the pandemic is not closed yet, We will observe what is happening in other countries” – the Prime Minister added.
More Coronavirus information is available on the website.

A Scot in Kraków. The founder and editor of Kraków Expats Directory, and our sister sites Kraków TV and Kraków Stories Podcast.
David fell in love with Kraków 25 years ago, making it his home in 2011.
In 2020 he was awarded the title of Kraków’s Ambassador of Multiculturalism, by the President of Kraków, and is also a member of the GlobalScot network, representing Scottish culture and business abroad.
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