A short preview of a film, “What is Open Kraków?”, to be shown as part of the Open Kraków Conference, on 23rd February 2017. Krakówians answer the question, ‘what is Open Kraków?’
Details about the City’s Open Kraków (Otwarty Kraków) programme, in English, can be found on our dedicated Open Kraków page.
For those interested to read more about the programme we have provided a document library with links to the few documents available.
The English versions of the documents provided below have all been translated online.
Please do direct any concerns or questions to the city, if, like us, you are disappointed and surprised that a project, with it’s primary objectives to make city services more accessible and to improve communication with foreigners is in Polish only – more than 4 months after it’s implementation!
Conference Programme (English)
Open Kraków Conference Invitation (English)
On 23rd – 25th February 2017, the Council of the City of Kraków, (Rada Miasta Kraków) are holding a three day conference “Open Kraków” (Otwarty Kraków) the aim of which is to highlight and promote activities for cultural diversity and social integration of foreigners living in Kraków.
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION – Registration is now open!
Registration to attend the Open Kraków (Otwarty Kraków) conference and take part in the multicultural festival is now open. To apply please fill in the short application by clicking this button.
Conference Organisers konferencja@otwartykraków.eu
Conference Volunteers wolontariat@otwartykraków.eu
Expat/Foreigners Enquiries openkraków@krakówexpats.pl
Conference Website (Polish) www.otwartykraków.eu (Polish Only)
Open Kraków Updates (English) www.krakówexpats.pl/open-kraków
Facebook @otwartykrakóweu web.facebook.com/otwartykrakóweu
Please use the contact form below or email openkraków@krakówexpats.pl to share any comments, feedback or highlight any specific Expat/Foreigners in Kraków issues, relating to the conference in particular or the Open Kraków (Otwarty Kraków) initiative in general.