Kraków does a fairly decent job, of being a bike friendly city. A few recent cycling related announcements caught our eye, which we felt were worth sharing.

Krakow Night Bike Ride
The first Krakow Night Bike Ride (Krakowski Nocny Przejazd Rowerowy) will take place on Friday 2nd June.

The event will start with a gathering at 19.30 at the National Museum, and the start will take place at 20.00. We invite all cyclists, both “everyday” and “recreational”, small and large, young and experienced, to participate in the event together.

Route: square in front of the National Museum (al. 3 Maja) – al. Krasiński – Konopnicka (tunnel) – Barska – Ludwinowska – Rollego – Warneńczyk – Kalwaryjska – Staromostowa – Brodzińskiego – Nadwiślańska – Solna – Zabłocie – Herlinga Grudziński – Klimecki – Nowohucka – Shipyard Workers – Ofiar Dąbia – al. Peace – al. Jana Pawła II – Central Square – al. Andersa – Kocmyrzowskie roundabout – Bieńczycka – al. Jana Pawła II – Mogilska – Lubomirskiego – tunnel – Kalinowskiego – Pawia – al. Słowackiego – al. Mickiewicza – square in front of the National Museum (al. 3 Maja)

Thew event is organised by the City of Krakow – who want to return to the tradition of joint bicycle rides through the streets of Krakow.

The ride is organised in the evening to draw special attention to the issue of lighting for cyclists traveling after dusk or in conditions of limited visibility. All persons willing to participate in the ride are asked to have the obligatory elements of bicycle equipment.

We remind you that these are:

  • position light of white or selective yellow colour at the front
  • red position light at the rear
  • a red reflector (other than a triangle) at the rear
  • at least one effective brake
  • a bell or other sound warning signal.

The route is approximately  22 km, and is expected to end at around 10.30pm.

There will be music, souvenirs, lots of fun and energy, and even bicycle lighting for the forgetful!  All this under the watchful eye of the police securing the crossing.

   Regulations of the First Krakow Night Bike Ride – POLISH  [pdf]

The above regulations are in Polish, we’ve done a google translate version, for non-Polish speakers.
   Regulations of the First Krakow Night Bike Ride – ENGLISH [pdf]

Ride for the Living 2023
Once again this year the Jewish Community Centre – JCC are holding the remarkable Ride for the Living, a 4 day event, around a 60 mile (97km) cycle ride from Auschwitz-Birkenau to JCC in Kraków. The first RFTL took place in 2014

Ride For The Living (RFTL) is a memorable four-day experience that offers participants the chance to immerse themselves in Krakow’s Jewish past, present, and future while raising money to support the resurgence of Jewish life in Poland.

The complete in-person RFTL experience boasts a full schedule of activities, including a private guided tour of Auschwitz-Birkenau, tours of Krakow, participation in Poland’s largest annual Shabbat dinner, and an inspiring one-day, 60-mile (97 km) bike ride from Auschwitz-Birkenau to JCC Krakow. 2023 Ride For The Living will take place June 29th – July 2nd, with the 60-mile bike ride on June 30th, in conjunction with the Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow.

We hope to speak with Jonathan, Dalia and the team behind RTFL and plan a video and podcast, watch this space, in the meantime you can find out more at the links below.

   Online Registration – Ride for the Living 2023
 icon-facebook-alt   Ride for the Living Facebook

Park-e-Bike Free bike rental returns

Kraków has long been, without a city bike rental scheme, following the collapse of the Wavelo bike rental in Spring 2020, therefore the new Park-e-Bike system, FREE electric bike scheme, launched last Autumn at a few selected places, then re-launched more widely across the city in March 2023,  was welcomed by many.

Sadly, after only a few weeks of operation, the service was suspended due to vandalism and damage to the bikes.  A review of the system followed, to give more control and better identify the user.

The city have announced that the park-e-Bike rental scheme will now re-start.

Keep in mind that all existing accounts were deactivated, so if you previously signed up, you will need to re-register.

The newly introduced solution –

‘anyone who wants to recover their account or set up a new one will have to submit a form, confirm their identity with a document with a photo, read and accept the rental regulations. In addition, you must be 18 years old, have a PESEL number and a Polish telephone number’.

will be temporary – ZTP is working on implementing an automated verification system.

Read more about the new scheme in our previous article.

New Bike Bridges

Kraków can look forward to not one, but two new bicycle/pedestrian bridges.  One, between Zabłocie and Grzegórzki/Galleria Kazimierz area,  opening soon.

The other (long awaited -15 years ), a rather interesting, ‘sine wave’ design,  between Ludwinów and Kazimierz (roughly between Forum and Skalka church) is going to take a bit longer.

Things are looking less certain, for the much discussed – Dębniki and Zwierzyniec bridge.

“In the case of the footbridge connecting Zwierzyniec with Dębniki, money for this task has not yet been reserved in the city budget. Its implementation will be possible provided that the provisions of the local spatial development plan for this area are amended, which will allow for the construction of such a facility. It is also necessary to purchase private land from the side of ul. Kościuszko, which are necessary to make one of the footbridge abutments.

The owners of the property do not agree to resell the needed plot. However, we hope that in the future we will be able to convince them. Without this, there will be no place to build the facility – says Rafał Komarewicz, chairman of the Krakow City Council from the “Friendly Krakow” presidential club, one of the initiators of the construction of the footbridge.”

Time will tell how long the next 2 bridges take, it’s taken 15yrs already, and a few more still to come, for the Ludwinow bridge. This is Kraków

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