Renting a flat – Media and admin fees?

How much am I expected to pay for media and admin fees?

When trying to calculate how much you will pay for additional costs (media and admin fees), you need to take the following into account:

  • the size of the apartment (the bigger the flat, the higher the bill for heating)
  • the state of the apartment (poor insulation, as well as leaky or drafty windows will get result in higher bills for heating)
  • number of tenants (with more people living in the flat the total you will have to pay will be higher, but when divided, your individual bills will be a lot lower)
  • monthly usage of media
  • type of heating (electric heating is a lot more expensive than central or gas heating)

Electricity – once a month the electricity reading is converted into a bill for the month’s kilowatt-hour consumption. Cost of gas and water is calculated per used cubic meter m3, heating in GJ. The rates depend on the supplier and therefore can differ per city, or even per building.

Generally speaking, for a single person living in a studio apartment, the costs of media and admin fees should be around 350 zł.

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