The Polish Government have today announced new restrictions which will apply over the Easter Period. The restrictions will be effective from Saturday 27th March 2021 for 2 weeks, until Friday 9th April.
The Press Conference is still ongoing. This article will be updated as announcements are made.
The new restrictions include:-
- Large-format furniture and construction stores over 2,000 m are closed. Wholesalers remain open
- In stores that remain open, ie retail outlets, fairs and at the post office etc:
1 person per 15 m2 in stores up to 100 m2; 1 person per 20 m2 in shops over 100 m2. - Hairdressing and beauty salons closed
- Nurseries and kindergartens are closed – except for children of medics and law enforcement. (Care will remain only for children of parents working in the medical profession and uniformed services while performing their duties)
- In churches a maximum of 1 person per 20 square meters, keeping a distance of min. 1.5 meters
- The activity of sports facilities is limited to professional sports only.
Tennis courts and climbing walls, for example will be closed. - Recommendation of remote work
During the press conference, a question was asked whether the meeting limits would change.In response, the Minister of Health stressed: “All the safety rules that have been in force so far – apart from those that we have informed that will change – apply the same, that is, the limit of meetings is five people.”
“Let me remind you that this limit does not include persons who have undergone vaccination” – added Adam Niedzielski.
This means that – in accordance with the applicable government regulation – for example, we will be able to invite a maximum of 5 guests to an Easter breakfast: this limit does not include household members or people vaccinated against Covid-19.
Prime Minister on the possibility of introducing a state of emergency:
“We do not rule out any scenario if the epidemic situation worsens after two or three weeks.”
The Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said at the press conference:
Vaccines are our primary weapon in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic. Accessibility is the bottleneck.
He noted that so far over 5 million Poles have been vaccinated. “We could vaccinate even 10 million a month”
Prime Minister Morawiecki added that Poland is today in the most difficult moment of the pandemic in 13 months . “The pressure of the third wave is very strong” .
He appealed for us to spend the upcoming Easter in the company of our immediate family.
“It is a difficult appeal, because it is a holiday that is to bring hope and joy“
He added that restriction of mobility and economic freedoms is necessary.
“We have to tighten these rules“

A Scot in Kraków. The founder and editor of Kraków Expats Directory, and our sister sites Kraków TV and Kraków Stories Podcast.
David fell in love with Kraków 25 years ago, making it his home in 2011.
In 2020 he was awarded the title of Kraków’s Ambassador of Multiculturalism, by the President of Kraków, and is also a member of the GlobalScot network, representing Scottish culture and business abroad.
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