Coronavirus Update – New ‘Red Zone’ restrictions

Covid Update Fri 23rd October 2020

The Polish government today (23/10/20) announced that with effect from Saturday 24th October 2020, all of Poland will be considered a Coronavirus ‘Red Zone’, with new stricter measures applying across the country, in addition to the existing red zone restrictions and safety measures.

coronavirusred zone restrictions english
Graphic credit:

New restrictions in the red zone:

  • Public gatherings up to 5 people only (not from same household).
  • The limit of people in stores will be 5 people per one operating cash register in outlets up to 100 sq m.
  • Gastronomic activities will only be possible in the form of take-away meals, in effect pubs and restaurants are closed and can only provide take away/food deliveries.
  • Ban on the organisation of special events, such as weddings
  • 1 person per 7 square meters in churches
  • Public transport, not more than 50 percent seats or 30 percent. all places
  • Primary Schools – Distance learning for students in grades 4-8 only (for now)
  • Travel restrictions for children up to 16 yrs (between 8.00 to 16.00 only under adult supervision)
  • Restrictions on the movement of people over 70 years of age – seniors are asked not to leave their homes if possible.
  • Universities and post-primary schools, remote teaching (excluding practical classes)
  • Suspended activities of gyms, swimming pools and aquaparks (with the exception of people practicing sports as part of sports competitions, sports activities or sports events, and students and pupils as part of university or school classes); sporting events without audience participation.

A new ‘Seniors Solidarity Corps’ made up of volunteers, together with a helpline, were also announced to specifically support seniors.

The Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki, made clear during his announcement that they expected it may take 10-14 days before the new restrictions made any impact, and added that the Government may need to consider even stricter measures:-

“Unless there is a flattening and slowdown in the rate of growth of infections, it is possible that we will have to introduce further drastic measures, such as closing borders, limiting movement or deeper lockdown,”

What is the Solidarity Senior Support Corps?
(Solidarnościowy Korpus Wsparcia Seniorów – SKWS)
  • Care for the elderly who decide to stay at home
  • Volunteer and social assistance centre who will help with everyday activities
Anyone can apply for the #WspierajSeniora action via

The Prime Ministers Announcement in full :- 
(Translated from the PM Chancellery (KPRM) Facebook Page)

Ladies and gentlemen!
The epidemic situation in Poland and Europe is very serious. Our most important task for now is to reduce the pace of the development of a pandemic.
The situation is difficult, the number of infected is large – over 10,000 beds are occupied, but (we have) still available 18,000 beds.  We still have a buffer, but we are very concerned about the dynamic increase in infections, although in Poland it is average slightly lower (160/10 000) than in Europe (170 / 10 000).
We must face reality. They are not pleasant, neither for the government nor for society, but for that we rule to make difficult decisions and protect Poles – even when it means that some of them will criticise us for it.
I understand everyone for whom this reality is hard to bear.
That is why I repeat – the measures we are introducing and solutions only protect the health and lives of Poles!
Unless the rate of increase in infections is flattened and inhibited, we may have to introduce further drastic steps, such as closing borders, reducing movement, or deeper lockdown. We will decide and inform about this in the next few days.
For now, we are introducing the following restrictions:
🔴 From tomorrow – October 24th – all of Poland becomes a red czerwoną🟥 – regulations within the country are adequately affected by this restrictions.
🔴 We also introduce remote learning in primary schools – but only in older classes, from 4 to 8. We also want to reduce traffic in public transport and break the transmission chain.
🔴 Between 8:00-16:00 and 8:00-16:00 it will be possible to move people up to 16. years old only under the care of an adult.
🔴 We are reducing the activities of gastronomy again. All pubs, restaurants and cafes will only be able to carry out takeaway orders and delivery. For now, this restrictions are planned for 2 weeks – with possibility of extension.
🔴 We ban all types of group activities – over 5 people in one group. This applies to meetings, social and outdoor meetings of all kinds.
🔴 We are also closing sanatoriums – apart from sanatoriums that are now finishing their stays.
🔴 We are introducing the ′′ Support Senior ′′ program and launching a solidarity program ′′ Senior Support Corps “. Through the wide commitment of organisations, volunteers, scouts, Wojska Obrony Terytorialnej or operating troops, we will want to launch help in the field of delivery of medicines, food and others activities requiring contact with other people so that seniors do not have to move.
⚠️ All Seniors please stay home! We will take care of you ⚠️
Experts make it clear – it is necessary to stop the COVID-19.
We can only do this by isolating ourselves and staying at home and following restrictions. Key are:
➡️ disinfection
➡️ distance
➡️ masks
➡️ air of the rooms.
The fight continues, and even though we are at a harder moment today, I believe we will win it!

Further information is available on the Polish Government website, though unfortunately there is often a delay in updating the site with new information, (ie it currently show’s the 10th Oct restrictions!)

We will update this post with further information and clarification as it becomes available.

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