The 11th edition of Theatre Night takes place this weekend on the evening of Saturday/Sunday 17th-18th June at various indoor and outdoor venues across Kraków.
Noc TeatrowTheatre Night, (Noc Teatrów) is part of the series of cultural night festivals, Museum Night (Noc Muzeów), Poetry Night (Noc Poezji), Music Night (Noc Muzyki), Jazz night (Noc Jazzu).

This years programme includes 70 projects and events for all ages at theatres and other venues across the city, including these six outdoor, open air performances;

Rynek Główny (Św. Wojciecha church)
16.00 Teatr KTO: „Peregrinus”
Rynek Główny (Town hall tower)
20.00 Grupa Wokół Centrum, Krakowskie Centrum Choreograficzne – NCK: spektakl teatru tańca „Płaczki”,
21.00 Teatr Vis a Vis: „Róża dla Kolombiny”, reż. B. Piotrowski
21.45 Scena Kalejdoskop: widowisko żonglerki ogniowej „Łuczywo”
Park Bednarskiego
21.00 Teatr Figur Kraków: open-air shade laboratory, workshops and shadows, for families and a jubilee banquet
Rynek Podgórski, podwórka przy ul. Rękawka
21.30 Teatr Figur Kraków: „Huljet huljet”,

The programme kicks off at 3pm on Saturday, with a performance of „Serenada” by Teatr Prima Aprilis, at Centrum Młodzieży im. H. Jordana w Krakowie, ul. Krupnicza 38, and closes with a midnight performance of„Święty Byk” t Klub Pod Jaszczurami, Rynek Główny 8.

Other highlights include, the ever popular „Peregrinus”, fire juggling -“Łuczywo”, musical and dance theatre, live radio discussions, guided walk and more.

Admission to the performances is free, but for most you must first obtain a free  ticket, details on where and how to do this are shown alongside each event on the festival programme page, or visit the Tourist Services Centre, ul. Powiśle 11,  for tickets and more information.


 icon-print  NOC TEATRÓW PDF PROGRAMME – (Polish)

For more information on Noc Teatrów and other Kraków Night Festivals, visit



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