BREXIT Information & Resources for UK Nationals in Poland

All of your essential BREXIT information & updates in one place.

As Brexit fast approaches (or does it?) there is a pressing need for all UK nationals in Poland to acquaint themselves with the latest updates and information.

Information from the UK Government, and more importantly, updates on the requirements and procedures agreed by the Polish Government will be posted in this article, to help provide a single resource collating the information currently spread across social media and elsewhere online.

Check out the Latest News Section Below, where most recent updates will be highlighted.

We are also in contact with and arranging meetings with the Małopolska Foreigners information office proposing an open meeting or other event/article to better inform UK nationals, also with the Commander of the Straz Graniczna – Border Guard at Kraków Balice airport, to discuss any potential changes post Brexit.   We will post updates once these meetings have taken place.

We will try to keep the information generally relevant to all UK nationals in Poland, though, as we are a Kraków resource,  some of the information will be Kraków/Małopolska specific.

Brexit Countdown (subject to change – we hope)

Do you have any Tips to share?
If anyone has any first hand experiences or advice, particularly  if you have recently gone through the painful process of dealing with Polish Brexit necessities, ie registration of stay, exchange of driving licence etc, then we would love to hear from you.  It would be great if we could share your experiences and tips -, locations, forms, documents required etc. to help others navigate this Brexit madness.

Proposed Polish Government Bill – UK Nationals in Poland, EU Withdrawal
Or to give it is full title:
Draft law on the rules of stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland of citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and members of their families and social security benefits in connection with the withdrawal of that country from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community

The Bill is posted on the Polish Government Legislative Process (Rządowy Proces Legislacyjny) website in Polish.  The website details amendments to the Bill, publishes notes, comments, observations and other submissions and tracks the Bill’s passage through the Polish legislative process.

The website is, of course, in Polish, however the UK Embassy have provided an English translation of the Bill which you can also find mentioned below.

As well as publishing a directory of documents and submissions, the site plots the next steps as the bill makes it progress through the legal system. We are curious to see what form the public consultation takes.  There are no timescales provided.

3. Public consultation
4. Evaluation
5. Committee of the Council of Ministers for Digital Affairs
6. Committee for European Affairs
7. Social Committee of the Council of Ministers
8. Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers
9. Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers
10. Legal Commission
11. The Council of Ministers
12. Notification
13. Referral of the bill to the Sejm

The Bill’s title in Polish : (should you wish to google it yourself, or set a news alert)
Projekt ustawy o zasadach pobytu na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej obywateli Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej oraz członków ich rodzin oraz świadczeniach z zabezpieczenia społecznego w związku z wystąpieniem tego państwa z Unii Europejskiej i Europejskiej Wspólnoty Energii Atomowej   

If you don’t want to navigate through the comprehensive Polish legislative directory page, here are shortcuts directly to the key documents, mentioned elsewhere in this article; The Bill, the Bill’s Directory & Progress on the Polish Government Legislative Process page and the UK Ambassador’s submission regarding the Bill.

   Draft Bill – Rules of stay in Poland for UK Nationals  – Download  Poland

  Bill’s Progress & Updates on PL Govt Legislative Page -Detailed Version  Poland

  The Bill & Updates on Ministry of Inter & Administration (MSWIA) Page – Simplified Version  Poland

  UK Ambassadors Submission on the Bill  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Latest News:

Brexit Update from Polish Office for Foreigners Poland  Added 27/2/19
Poland’s Office for Foreigners, (Urząd do Spraw Cudzoziemców), has published an update on the “change of rules of stay” for UK Nationals in Poland.

The update pretty much advises UK Nationals to ensure they are registered as EU Citizens in Poland, as this will make subsequent Brexit registration much easier, as this extract explains:

“Importantly, the project provides for the presumption that on March 29 people will hold valid documents issued by Polish authorities to European Union citizens and their family members. Therefore obtaining relevant permits after Brexit based on the draft regulations will be much easier for people holding such documents.”

Letter submitted by UK Ambassador to Poland
Very interesting letter submitted by Jonathan Knott, the UK Ambassador to Poland, setting out his comments and observations on the proposed Polish legislation.
Added 22/2/19

Citizens’ Rights – EU citizens in the UK and UK nationals in the EU Policy Paper –  Department for Exiting the European Union policy paper,  submitted to Rządowy Proces Legislacyjny (Polish Government Legislative Process) as Annex to UK Ambassadors letter.
Added 22/2/19

Living in Poland – UK Government Guidance
Official UK Government information for British people moving to and living in Poland, including EU Exit guidance, residency, healthcare and driving.
Updated 22/2/19

Passport Checking Tool (Travel to Europe) 
Use this tool, before you travel,  to check you have enough time left on your UK passport.  In the event of the UK leaving the EU without a deal, new rules will apply.
Added 22/2/19

Polish Government’s consultation draft on rules of stay for UK citizens
English translation posted on UK Embassy Poland facebook Page  16/1/19

British Rights in Poland – Polish Govt have prepared a Bill (Polish)
Interia Fakty Article 12/1/19

No-deal Brexit: Poland and Czech Republic to allow Britons to stay if UK crashes out
Guardian Article   16/1/19
It has been pointed out that part of the Guardian article -“Britons living in Poland will have until 30 March 2020 to confirm their rights by obtaining a temporary residence permit or permanent residence in the country.” – is incorrect. We strongly advise against taking any action based on media reporting.  We will post official updates and requirements as soon as they become available.

We would strongly advise against taking any action or making plans based on anything other than information from Government or other official sources.  Particularly in regards to information provided in PL or UK media, not least as the Polish Government’s Bill has not yet been passed and the UK Govt position, is, well, inconclusive!

Where to find updates & keep informed?

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland UK GOVERNMENT:

Living in Poland – Official UK Government Guidance

Article 50 and negotiations with the EU:



Joint technical note on the comparison of EU-UK positions on citizens’ rights

Department for Exiting the EU on Twitter: @DExEUgov


Sign Up for UK Embassy Warsaw Newsletter

General Enquiries:

Consular Enquiries: (contact form)



Polish office for Foreigners (Urząd do Spraw Cudzoziemców) BREXIT PAGE

Locations of Foreigner Information Centres in Małopolska

Ministry of the Interior and Administration (MSWIA) 

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MSZ)

  Polish office for Foreigners on Facebook

Exchanging Foreign (UK) Drivers Licence for Polish licence 

At the moment there is not much information available online from the Polish Government, as would be expected, as this situation was not of their making.   A proposed bill is currently making it’s way through the Polish legal processes, and full details are expected to be published once this has been formally adopted by the Polish Government.

Non Government & ‘unofficial’ Social Media

  Brits in Poland
  Krakow Expats
  X pats living in Poland 
  British in Poland
  EU Citizens In The UK And British EU Citizens Abroad

Please let us know about any social media sources not included above, or any active and interesting Brexit discussions relative to UK nationals in Poland. (our email is at the start and end of this article).

Previous Kraków Expats Directory articles on presentations by Ambassador Knott, UK Embassy in Poland:

Brexit Discussion 28/11/17 – Summary of Ambassador’s Presentation
Brexit Discussion 28/11/17 – Interview with Ambassador Jonathan Knott

Please get in touch if you have any other useful resources we could include in this article.





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